El president del Perú cancel·la la seva ordre de confinament a Lima

El president del Perú cancel·la la seva ordre de confinament a Lima
El president del Perú, Pedro Castillo
Escrit per Harry Johnson

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo announced that Peru’s capital city lockdown that was supposed to last till Wednesday had been lifted earlier as many Peruvian lawmakers expressed their concerns that the measure violated the fundamental rights of Lima’s residents. Castillo lifted the curfew he had earlier imposed on Lima in an attempt to curb violent protests…

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  • Castillo lifted the curfew he had earlier imposed on Lima in an attempt to curb violent protests….
  • Peruvian President Pedro Castillo announced that Peru’s capital city lockdown that was supposed to last till Wednesday had been lifted earlier as many Peruvian lawmakers expressed their concerns that the measure violated the fundamental rights of Lima's residents.
  • eTurboNews Els articles són només per a subscriptors.


Sobre l'autor

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson ha estat l’editor de tasques de eTurboNews durant més de 20 anys. Viu a Honolulu, Hawaii, i és originari d'Europa. Li agrada escriure i cobrir les notícies.

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