La marca de roba interior ajuda a les dones a fer-se la prova de càncer de mama

Adore'm Logotip | eTurboNews | eTN
Adore Me - Logotip en violeta
Escrit per Dmitro Makarov

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, lingerie brand & online retailer Adore Me partnered with the American Cancer Society to raise awareness on the importance of getting screened. In 2020—especially during the worst parts of the pandemic—there was a 60% decrease in the rate of annual breast cancer screening. Mammograms are the most effective…

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  • In 2020—especially during the worst parts of the pandemic—there was a 60% decrease in the rate of annual breast cancer screening.
  • Online retailer Adore Me partnered with the American Cancer Society to raise awareness on the importance of getting screened.
  • Mammograms are the most effective….


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Dmitro Makarov

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