Pilots europeus: volar en un espai aeri hostil costa vides

Pilots europeus: volar en un espai aeri hostil costa vides
Pilots europeus: volar en un espai aeri hostil costa vides

Europe’s pilots are shocked and deeply saddened by the shooting down of Ukrainian Airlines flight PS752 in Iran and the killing of all on board. This comes only a few years after the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17), in 2014. It is tragic proof that some lessons from MH17 on flying into or…

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  • This comes only a few years after the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17), in 2014.
  • Europe's pilots are shocked and deeply saddened by the shooting down of Ukrainian Airlines flight PS752 in Iran and the killing of all on board.
  • It is tragic proof that some lessons from MH17 on flying into or….


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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