Turisme Canadà: es restaurarà la salut ambiental del port de Victoria


A clean Victoria harbor is an area enjoyed by residents and tourists for generations. It is also essential for the survival of local marine wildlife, as it is an important feeding ground and source of food.
Victoria Harbour is a harbor, seaport, and seaplane airport located in the Canadian city of Victoria, British Columbia.

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A clean Victoria harbor is an area enjoyed by residents and tourists for generations. It is also essential for the survival of local marine wildlife, as it is an important feeding ground and source of food.
Victoria Harbour is a harbor, seaport, and seaplane airport located in the Canadian city of Victoria, British Columbia.

eTurboNews Els articles són només per a subscriptors. La subscripció és GRATIS.
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  • It is also essential for the survival of local marine wildlife, as it is an important feeding ground and source of food.
  • Victoria Harbour is a harbor, seaport, and seaplane airport located in the Canadian city of Victoria, British Columbia.
  • A clean Victoria harbor is an area enjoyed by residents and tourists for generations.


Sobre l'autor

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ha treballat contínuament en la indústria turística i de viatges des que era adolescent a Alemanya (1977).
Va fundar eTurboNews el 1999 com a primer butlletí en línia per a la indústria mundial del turisme de viatges.

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