Aplicació del mercat de kits de retracció gingival, tendències, creixement, oportunitats i previsió mundial fins al 2028

Gingival retraction is a technique in fixed prosthesis where accuracy of impression and correct choice of gingival retraction kits is very important. During impression making, finish line has to be adequate. Gingival retraction technique exposes gingival tissue for impression material to record the finish line without causing any damage to periodontal tissues by using gingival retraction kits. The gingival retraction also provide adequate depth of gingival sulcus to provide accurate impression. Commonly, gingival retraction kits includes gingiva multiholder, gingival retractor and multilever. Gingiva multi holder in gingival retraction kits is a hand instrument used as a support system to place cord or retractor in the gum line. Gingival retractor of gingival retraction kits are available in three sizes i.e. small for incisors, medium for premolars and large for molars. Gingival retractor is used to establish the optimal working conditions at the gum line for the procedures and multilever of gingival retraction kits is used to remove gingival retractor after the procedure is done.

Gingival retraction is considered to be the fastest growing market in the prosthesis. In low and middle income countries, oral health is considered to be a low health priority. Hence, increasing the prevalence of oral health. However, rising awareness, oral health insurance coverage, improving access to dental services & introduction of new technologies increasing the demand for gingival retraction kits market. The gingival retraction technique and gingival retraction kit used during procedure require expertise as the procedure is sensitive. Lack of expertise in this field act as a retrain for the growth of gingival retraction kits market.

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There are different types of gingival retraction kits available which are frequently used in the combinations or custom made gingival retraction kits for the gingival retraction procedures such as mechanical, chemical and surgical gingival retraction kits. Mechanical gingival retraction kit consists of cord, multiholder, gingival retractor, multilever and hemostatic chemical. Gingival retraction cords in gingival retraction kit are biocompatible and are made of non-toxic material which can be applied and removed easily. Gingival retraction cord pushes the gum tissue away from the prepared tooth margins in order to create an accurate teeth impression. The gingival retraction cord can be classified as braided, knitted, and twisted. Gingival retraction cord is soaked either in hemostatic chemical or water before use. Then it is placed around the gum line by using multiholder. After procedure, the cord is removed using multilever. Chemical gingival retraction kit consists of clay type material, three in one syringe and other common supporting instruments. In chemical retraction, chemical is used which expands on its own or by applying external pressure. Chemical in gingival retraction kit i.e. clay is used, which is injected to fill gingival sulcus. The clay after sometime expands due to presence of moisture. Then the expanded clay material is removed by water using three in one syringe. Surgical gingival retraction kit consists of an electrosurgery units and surgical knifes. Electrosurgery units of gingival retraction kit consists of different type of electrode for different gingival retraction procedures. Electrosurgery units remove and seal the gingival tissues.

Gingival Retraction Kits Market: Overview

Based on product type, mechanical gingival retraction kits registers the highest revenue share in the gingival retraction kits market owing to their high demand from end user segments and also because mechanical retraction procedure are fast, effective and safe procedure as compared to other chemical and surgical retraction procedures. As the technology advances, improved innovative devices will hit the market and increase competition, which may pressurize leading players to reduce price of gingival retraction kits. With the growing number of medical applications and rapid technological innovations, the gingival retraction kits market across globe registers a high revenue growth.

Gingival Retraction Kits Market: Region-wise Outlook

On the basis of geography, global gingival retraction kits market is segmented into seven key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific excluding Japan, Japan, and Middle East & Africa. The North America gingival retraction kits market is expected to register the maximum market share in the global market, followed by Europe, due to increased spending and health coverage on oral health and improving access to dental services. However, Asia Pacific region is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period and is projected to be a profitable market for new emerging market players in the gingival retraction kits market. However, the market for gingival retraction kits in Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa regions is estimated to show a stagnant growth over the forecast period due to low level of awareness regarding oral health.

Gingival Retraction Kits Market: Key Players

Some of the key players present in global gingival retraction kits market are

  • LM-Instruments Oy
  • Grup Acteon
  • Patterson Companies, Inc.
  • Ultradent Products, Inc.
  • Pascal International, Inc.
  • Sultan Healthcare
  • Premier Dental Products Company

L'informe d'investigació presenta una avaluació exhaustiva del mercat i conté coneixements reflexius, fets, dades històriques i dades de mercat recolzades estadísticament i validades per la indústria. També conté projeccions utilitzant un conjunt adequat de supòsits i metodologies. L'informe d'investigació proporciona anàlisi i informació segons segments de mercat com ara geografies, aplicació i indústria.

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L'informe inclou l'anàlisi d'esgotaments sobre:

  • Segments de mercat
  • Dinàmica del mercat
  • Mida del mercat
  • Oferta i demanda
  • Tendències actuals / Problemes / Reptes
  • Competència i empreses implicades
  • Tecnologia
  • Cadena de valor

L’anàlisi regional inclou:

  • Amèrica del Nord (EUA, Canadà)
  • Amèrica Llatina (Mèxic. Brasil)
  • Europa occidental (Alemanya, Itàlia, França, Regne Unit, Espanya)
  • Europa de l'Est (Polònia, Rússia)
  • Àsia Pacífic (Xina, Índia, ASEAN, Austràlia i Nova Zelanda)
  • Japó
  • Orient Mitjà i Àfrica (països del CCG, Àfrica del Sud, Àfrica del Nord)

L'informe és una recopilació d'informació de primera mà, avaluació qualitativa i quantitativa per part d'analistes de la indústria, aportacions d'experts de la indústria i participants de la indústria al llarg de la cadena de valor. L'informe ofereix una anàlisi en profunditat de les tendències del mercat principal, els indicadors macroeconòmics i els factors rectors, juntament amb l'atractiu del mercat segons els segments. L'informe també fa un mapa de l'impacte qualitatiu de diversos factors del mercat en segments de mercat i geografies.

Gingival Retraction Kits Market: Segmentation 

The global gingival retraction kits market is segmented by product type, end user and geography:

Segmentation by End User

  • Hospitals
  • Clíniques dentals
  • altres

Destacats de l'informe:

  • Visió general detallada del mercat matriu
  • Canvi de la dinàmica del mercat en el sector
  • Segmentació en profunditat del mercat
  • Mida històrica, actual i prevista del mercat en termes de volum i valor
  • Tendències i desenvolupaments recents del sector
  • Paisatge competitiu
  • Estratègies dels actors clau i productes oferts
  • Segments potencials i nínxols, regions geogràfiques amb un creixement prometedor
  • Una perspectiva neutral sobre el rendiment del mercat
  • Informació imprescindible per als actors del mercat per mantenir i millorar la seva empremta en el mercat

Enllaç de font


  • Based on product type, mechanical gingival retraction kits registers the highest revenue share in the gingival retraction kits market owing to their high demand from end user segments and also because mechanical retraction procedure are fast, effective and safe procedure as compared to other chemical and surgical retraction procedures.
  • There are different types of gingival retraction kits available which are frequently used in the combinations or custom made gingival retraction kits for the gingival retraction procedures such as mechanical, chemical and surgical gingival retraction kits.
  • Gingival retractor is used to establish the optimal working conditions at the gum line for the procedures and multilever of gingival retraction kits is used to remove gingival retractor after the procedure is done.


Sobre l'autor

Linda Hohnholz

Editor en cap per eTurboNews amb seu a la seu d'eTN.

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