Les companyies aèries membres de Star Alliance s’uneixen al voltant de normes de vol segures i comunes

Les companyies aèries membres de Star Alliance s’uneixen al voltant de normes de vol segures i comunes
Jeffrey Goh, conseller delegat de Star Alliance
Escrit per Harry Johnson

To support efforts in restoring public confidence in air travel, Star Alliance and its member airlines have been working on a series of measures to ensure health & hygiene safety of customers when they fly across the alliance, and to provide health & hygiene-related information at their fingertips, all to help provide peace of mind…

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  • To support efforts in restoring public confidence in air travel, Star Alliance and its member airlines have been working on a series of measures to ensure health &.
  • Hygiene safety of customers when they fly across the alliance, and to provide health &.
  • Hygiene-related information at their fingertips, all to help provide peace of mind….


Sobre l'autor

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson ha estat l’editor de tasques de eTurboNews durant més de 20 anys. Viu a Honolulu, Hawaii, i és originari d'Europa. Li agrada escriure i cobrir les notícies.

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