Nou rècord d'arribades a l'aeroport internacional de Mèrida, Yukatan

The Mérida International Airport (MID) recorded a historical number of arrivals this past month of August with 278,854 passengers, a 4.9% increase from its previous record in December 2019.  This, according to data provided by Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste (ASUR), represents a considerable increase in passenger traffic.


  •   This, according to data provided by Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste (ASUR), represents a considerable increase in passenger traffic.
  • .
  • The Mérida International Airport (MID) recorded a historical number of arrivals this past month of August with 278,854 passengers, a 4.

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Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ha treballat contínuament en la indústria turística i de viatges des que era adolescent a Alemanya (1977).
Va fundar eTurboNews el 1999 com a primer butlletí en línia per a la indústria mundial del turisme de viatges.

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