Actuació inaugural: PATA Summit 2016 a Guam


Watch part of the opening performance for the PATA Summit 2016 today on the island where America begins its day – Guam.

A record attendance today indicated a great start for the summit.

Watch part of the opening performance for the PATA Summit 2016 today on the island where America begins its day – Guam.

A record attendance today indicated a great start for the summit.
Jon Nathan Duc Koestlin Denight, President and CEO of Guam Tourism, welcomed delegates from 36 countries.


Sobre l'autor

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ha treballat contínuament en la indústria turística i de viatges des que era adolescent a Alemanya (1977).
Va fundar eTurboNews el 1999 com a primer butlletí en línia per a la indústria mundial del turisme de viatges.

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