Twin Otter híbrida elèctrica: primer pas per aconseguir avions de rodalies eficients i de baixes emissions

Twin Otter híbrida elèctrica: primer pas per aconseguir avions de rodalies eficients i de baixes emissions
Llúdriga bessona

Ampaire and IKHANA Aircraft Services have launched a NASA-funded feasibility study for modifying the venerable Twin Otter workhorse aircraft for hybrid-electric propulsion. Ampaire was awarded a NASA contract to address hybrid-electric propulsion on the Twin Otter as part of NASA EAP (Electric Aircraft Propulsion) efforts. Ampaire and IKHANA are jointly executing this NASA program. The…

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  • Ampaire was awarded a NASA contract to address hybrid-electric propulsion on the Twin Otter as part of NASA EAP (Electric Aircraft Propulsion) efforts.
  • Ampaire and IKHANA Aircraft Services have launched a NASA-funded feasibility study for modifying the venerable Twin Otter workhorse aircraft for hybrid-electric propulsion.
  • Ampaire and IKHANA are jointly executing this NASA program.


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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