Embelliment turístic: no només es tracta de flors i paisatgisme

This June, people from around the world will be seeking news ways to break away from the consistent quarantines and lockdowns and once again experience the beauty of travel. In this world of wanting to break free, a locale’s physical appearance will be more important than ever. Communities that hope to use travel and tourism as economic development tools might do well to consider some of the following points and then work at not only greening their communities but also their bottom lines.

turisme embelliment is not only about planting flowers and doing creative landscaping. Beautification is a prerequisite for economic development. Cities that fail to understand this essential point pay dearly by having to compensate for their lack of beauty by trying to bring in new businesses and tax-paying citizens through expensive economic incentive packages that almost never succeed. On the other hand, cities that have taken the time to beautify themselves often have people seeking to locate in their community.

It is also about the way that we beautify our insides, the treatment that we afford our customer and the way that we treat the other members of our community. To help you deal with beautification projects here are some pointers to consider.

L’embelliment ajuda a créixer una entitat turística atraient més visitants, proporcionant publicitat positiva del boca-orella, creant un entorn acollidor que tendeix a elevar l’ànim del personal de serveis i crea orgull comunitari que sovint redueix la taxa de criminalitat.

-Mireu la vostra comunitat tal com ho poden veure els altres. All too often we become so accustomed to run down appearances, dirt, or lack of green spaces that we simply come to accept these eyesores as part of our urban or rural landscaping. Take the time to view your area through the eyes of a visitor. Are there dumpsites in clear view? How well are lawns kept? Is garbage dealt with in a clean and efficient manner? Then ask yourself, would you want to visit this community?


Sobre l'autor

Dr. Peter E. Tarlow

El Dr. Peter E. Tarlow és un orador i expert de renom mundial especialitzat en l'impacte de la delinqüència i el terrorisme en la indústria turística, la gestió d'esdeveniments i riscos turístics, i el turisme i el desenvolupament econòmic. Des de 1990, Tarlow ha estat ajudant la comunitat turística amb qüestions com la seguretat i la seguretat dels viatges, el desenvolupament econòmic, el màrqueting creatiu i el pensament creatiu.

Com a autor conegut en el camp de la seguretat turística, Tarlow és autor col·laborador de diversos llibres sobre seguretat turística i publica nombrosos articles de recerca acadèmica i aplicada sobre temes de seguretat, inclosos articles publicats a The Futurist, Journal of Travel Research i Gestió de la seguretat. L'àmplia gamma d'articles professionals i acadèmics de Tarlow inclou articles sobre temes com: "turisme fosc", teories del terrorisme i desenvolupament econòmic a través del turisme, la religió i el terrorisme i el turisme de creuers. Tarlow també escriu i publica el popular butlletí de turisme en línia Tourism Tidbits llegit per milers de professionals del turisme i viatges d'arreu del món en les seves edicions en anglès, espanyol i portuguès.


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