Una crida als governs del Carib perquè tributin més el sector dels creuers i tributin menys els passatgers aeris


by Robert MacLellan, Managing Director, MacLellan & Associates Can tourism dependent Caribbean governments learn something from oil producing countries? When relatively small and poor oil producing governments sought to get a fair price for oil – their main source of national revenue – they banded together to negotiate more effectively with the multi-national oil companies…

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  • When relatively small and poor oil producing governments sought to get a fair price for oil – their main source of national revenue – they banded together to negotiate more effectively with the multi-national oil companies….
  • eTurboNews Els articles són només per a subscriptors.
  • La subscripció és GRATUÏTA.


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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