Xifres de trànsit de Fraport Novembre de 2018: continua la tendència de creixement


Frankfurt Airport welcomed around 5.24 million passengers in November
2018, a growth of 4.7 percent year-on-year. This development was
driven by European traffic (up 6.1 percent) as well as
intercontinental traffic (up 4.3 percent). The cumulative growth in
passenger numbers for the first eleven months of the current year was
7.8 per cent.

Frankfurt Airport welcomed around 5.24 million passengers in November
2018, a growth of 4.7 percent year-on-year. This development was
driven by European traffic (up 6.1 percent) as well as
intercontinental traffic (up 4.3 percent). The cumulative growth in
passenger numbers for the first eleven months of the current year was
7.8 per cent.
In a similar vein, aircraft movements in November increased by 5.3
percent to 41,192 takeoffs and landings. Accumulated maximum takeoff
weights (MTOWs) rose by 3.3 percent to around 2.5 million metric
tons. Only the cargo throughput (airfreight + airmail) declined in
November, falling by 2.1 percent to around 196,537 million metric
tons in response to the growing uncertainty in global trade.
The international airports in Fraport’s portfolio also enjoyed
largely positive development in November. While Ljubljana Airport
(LJU) in Slovenia saw a slight decline of 3.3 percent to 117,554
passengers, the Brazilian airports in Fortaleza (FOR) and Porto
Alegre (POA) reported significant growth of 10.8 percent to around
1.3 million passengers. The 14 regional airports in Greece saw an
overall growth of 12.8 percent to 726,159 passengers. The three
airports in the Greek portfolio with the most traffic were
Tessalònica (SKG) amb 428,897 passatgers (+ 16.6%), Rodes
(RHO) with 68,041 passengers (minus 9.7 percent to) and Chania (CHQ)
with 59,053 passengers (up 14.6 percent). Lima Airport (LIM) in Peru
grew by 6.7 percent to about 1.8 million passengers. A total of
68,246 passengers used the Bulgarian Twin Star airports of Varna
(VAR) and Burgas (BOJ), down 6.8 percent. Antalya Airport (AYT) again
enjoyed substantial growth of 26.9 percent to around 1.2 million
passengers. Growing passenger numbers were also reported at Pulkovo
Airport (LED) in St. Petersburg with around 1.3 million passengers
(up 18.1 percent) and Xi’an (XIY) in China with around 3.6 million
passengers (up 4.8 percent)


Sobre l'autor

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ha treballat contínuament en la indústria turística i de viatges des que era adolescent a Alemanya (1977).
Va fundar eTurboNews el 1999 com a primer butlletí en línia per a la indústria mundial del turisme de viatges.

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