Daytona Beach és la destinació d’estades de primavera més assequible de Florida


According to a new survey, Daytona Beach is the most affordable destination in Florida for spring break. The recent survey compared 20 popular destinations in the Sunshine State based on cost of accommodation. For each destination, researchers established the average price for the least expensive double room for the month of March 2019, when most…

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  • The recent survey compared 20 popular destinations in the Sunshine State based on cost of accommodation.
  • For each destination, researchers established the average price for the least expensive double room for the month of March 2019, when most….
  • Segons una nova enquesta, Daytona Beach és el destí més assequible de Florida per a vacances de primavera.


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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