La Junta de TTNQ obté una nova presidència

Notícia breu
Escrit per Linda Hohnholz

Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) named a new Chair at its Annual General Meeting today, October 19, 2023. CEO of Experience Co., Ltd., Mr. John O’Sullivan, was announced as the new person in charge of the TTNQ Board. He has been a Director of TTNQ since May 2021 and is a regular visitor to Tropical…

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  • He has been a Director of TTNQ since May 2021 and is a regular visitor to Tropical….
  • John O'Sullivan, va ser anunciat com el nou responsable de la Junta TTNQ.
  • La subscripció és GRATUÏTA.


Sobre l'autor

Linda Hohnholz

Editor en cap per eTurboNews amb seu a la seu d'eTN.

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