Detalls: Sud-àfrica LockDown - Declaració oficial del president Cyril Ramphosa

Transcripció Sud-àfrica: bloqueig: declaració oficial del president Cyril Ramphosa

South African President Cyril Ramphosa delivered the following statement at Union Buildings, Tshwane, South Africa today, March 23 2020 at 19.30 My fellow South Africans, It is a week since we declared the coronavirus pandemic a national disaster and announced a package of extraordinary measures to combat this grave public health emergency. The response of…

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  • 30 My fellow South Africans, It is a week since we declared the coronavirus pandemic a national disaster and announced a package of extraordinary measures to combat this grave public health emergency.
  • South African President Cyril Ramphosa delivered the following statement at Union Buildings, Tshwane, South Africa today, March 23 2020 at 19.
  • The response of….


Sobre l'autor

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ha treballat contínuament en la indústria turística i de viatges des que era adolescent a Alemanya (1977).
Va fundar eTurboNews el 1999 com a primer butlletí en línia per a la indústria mundial del turisme de viatges.

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