Els adolescents ambaixadors ecològics netegen les escombraries de plàstic de la costa de Hawaii

Els adolescents ambaixadors ecològics netegen les escombraries de plàstic de la costa de Hawaii

Hawaii is known for having some of the most beautiful and picturesque beaches in the world — and it’s everyone’s responsibility to help keep them that way. A remote area on Hawaii Island’s southeast coast is littered with trash and marine debris carried by currents and trade winds. Items that frequently wash ashore include plastic…

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  • A remote area on Hawaii Island's southeast coast is littered with trash and marine debris carried by currents and trade winds.
  • Hawaii is known for having some of the most beautiful and picturesque beaches in the world —.
  • eTurboNews Els articles són només per a subscriptors.


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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