Compartir ara a la plataforma de reserva d’hotels xinesos

JS1  a xinès house-sharing platform has announced a global strategic partnership with global online booking platform agoda, a member of Booking Holdings. The companies will collaborate in areas including listings, technology and service innovation, branding and marketing, thus leveraging their expertise in different markets, to innovate homestay and homeshare experiences for worldwide consumers. The initial phase of the cooperative partnership will see both parties share inventory, resulting in 100,000 listings on each platform.

Spencer Low, Managing Director, Gran Xina explains: “This partnership will offer alternatives to traditional hotels in Xina, and will benefit travelers who are looking for more distinctive options for their accommodation needs. Together Xiaozhu and agoda will provide easy access to listings that offer different benefits. One is the flexibility of staying together at a larger property when traveling as a group of friends or family, while another is more options for business travelers who crave the comforts of home. Additionally, these listings include a range of price points to cater for a variety of budgets. We are confident that the combination of Xiaozhu’s rich knowledge of the Xina market and agoda’s global OTA expertise will enhance consumers’ experience of homestays.”


Sobre l'autor

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ha treballat contínuament en la indústria turística i de viatges des que era adolescent a Alemanya (1977).
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