El Consell de Turisme de Seychelles nomena BRANDit com a representant de l'Índia

Logotip de Seychelles 2021

The Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) appointed BRANDit as its official representative in India. Nominated to be the face of the beautiful 115-island destination in the Indian subcontinent, the BRANDit team will be handling marketing, sales and Public Relations under the guidance of the STB Headquarters.  

 Sherin Francis, STB Chief Executive stated that a presence on the market is of great importance, as India remains one a key source market for Seychelles. She further mentioned that the new collaboration as a great start to 2021 for the STB.    

“There has been much work done on the Indian market, we are satisfied with how the destination has established itself as one of the best in the world and we aim to keep the momentum. We look forward to working with the BRANDit team to lead our marketing and communication efforts in India. India is a promising market and its ever-evolving dynamic nature has always made it an exciting playing field for our outbound marketing efforts. Seychelles will serve as a haven and an exotic getaway for the pent-up travel demand among Indian travelers. Despite a challenging 2020, we are positive to emerge through this phase stronger and better,” said Mrs. Francis.  

There has been a significant growth on visitor arrivals from India with 502% increase noted on the market over the past six years, with 1, 248 visitors in 2019 and despite the pandemic in 2020, the destination recorded 914 visitors from the market.

On her part, Lubaina Sheerazi, CEO & Co-founder, BRANDit added, “We are delighted to win the mandate and serve as India representatives for the Seychelles Tourism Board. In the post COVID scenario, the aim is to reach the pre-COVID visitor arrivals while substantially increasing the number of intimate celebrations to boost tourism in one of the most exquisite countries in the African continent”.

Talking about the marketing plans for the Indian market, STB Marketing Director for Asia, India and Australia, Mrs. Amia Jovanovic- Desir, stated that STB has received a very warm welcome from Indian partners.

“With the support and strong collaboration of our trade partners, we have managed to position our unique destination on the Indian market successfully. We have tapped into the market with diverse and selective promotional activities during the past years and we believe that we can generate more return from this market. Our ultimate aim is to earmark and add new cities where we have not yet penetrated or reach to sensitize more Indian visitors who are looking for a unique place like Seychelles for peaceful and relaxing holidays after the pandemic is over. This will be done through more focused and targeted and selected consumer campaigns e.g., online promotions, on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram which will also help to maximize results,” commented the Director for India.

BRANDit offices are located in Mumbai and New Delhi and the team can be contacted for more information about Seychelles on [protegit per correu electrònic]

For more information about Seychelles visit https://www.seychelles.travel/en

Més notícies sobre Seychelles



Sobre l'autor

Linda Hohnholz, editora eTN

Linda Hohnholz ha estat escrivint i editant articles des del començament de la seva carrera professional. Ha aplicat aquesta passió innata a llocs com la Hawaii Pacific University, la Chaminade University, el Hawaii Children's Discovery Center i ara TravelNewsGroup.

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