Victòria per amor i turisme: el Tribunal Suprem de les Bermudes anul·la la prohibició del matrimoni entre persones del mateix sexe

Today, the Supreme Court of Bermuda agreed to overturn the nation’s same-sex marriage ban and decided in favor of OUTBermuda and its co-litigants. Speaking for the successful Applicants, Zakiya Johnson Lord and Adrian Hartnett-Beasley of OUTBermuda said, “Love wins again! Our hearts and hopes are full, thanks to this historic decision by our Supreme Court…

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  • Today, the Supreme Court of Bermuda agreed to overturn the nation's same-sex marriage ban and decided in favor of OUTBermuda and its co-litigants.
  • Our hearts and hopes are full, thanks to this historic decision by our Supreme Court….
  • Speaking for the successful Applicants, Zakiya Johnson Lord and Adrian Hartnett-Beasley of OUTBermuda said, “Love wins again.


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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