El mandat de màscara per a les aerolínies s'ha ampliat per tercera vegada

MÀSCARA e1647045510260 | eTurboNews | eTN
Image courtesy of cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay
Escrit per Linda S. Hohnholz

The current mask mandate for passenger airlines was set to expire in one week on March 18, 2022, however, the policy of wearing a mask on an aircraft will remain in place for now through April 18, 2022.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is extending the face mask requirement for individuals across all transportation networks throughout the United States, including at airports, onboard commercial aircraft, on over-the-road buses, and on commuter bus and rail systems for one more month.

TSA said during the one-month extension, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will develop new and more targeted policies taking into consideration the risk of new variants and the number of COVID cases across the country as well as in local communities. It remains to be seen what decisions the TSA will make in this regard.

Across America, indoor mask mandates have been dropped with Hawaii being the last state to end its policy on March 26.

This means that there will not be any states that require the wearing of masks indoors as of that date. For those traveling domestically to Hawaii, they will no longer be required to show proof of being vaccinated nor will they have to provide a negative COVID test as there will be no quarantine stipulation relative to travel.

Airline travelers should check with their airline on additional inflight restrictions prior to taking their trip. All commuters and travelers should check with the CDC website for additional guidance. Exemptions to the face mask requirement for travelers under the age of 2 years old and those with certain disabilities as well as civil penalty fines will also remain in place.

Individuals who require screening assistance due to a disability, medical condition or other special circumstance may contact TSA Cares at least 72 hours in advance of their flight by calling (855) 787-2227. For additional information about TSA procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the “Stay Healthy. Stay Secure.” campaign, visit tsa.gov/coronavirus .


  • TSA said during the one-month extension, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will develop new and more targeted policies taking into consideration the risk of new variants and the number of COVID cases across the country as well as in local communities.
  • The current mask mandate for passenger airlines was set to expire in one week on March 18, 2022, however, the policy of wearing a mask on an aircraft will remain in place for now through April 18, 2022.
  • The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is extending the face mask requirement for individuals across all transportation networks throughout the United States, including at airports, onboard commercial aircraft, on over-the-road buses, and on commuter bus and rail systems for one more month.


Sobre l'autor

Linda S. Hohnholz

Linda Hohnholz ha estat editora de eTurboNews durant molts anys. Està a càrrec de tot el contingut premium i comunicats de premsa.

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