La NASA celebra el 50è aniversari del Dia de la Terra amb #EarthDayAtHome

La NASA celebra el 50è aniversari del Dia de la Terra amb #EarthDayAtHome
La NASA celebra el 50è aniversari del Dia de la Terra amb #EarthDayAtHome

As the world observes the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22, NASA is highlighting the agency’s many contributions to sustaining and improving our home planet’s environment with a week of online events, stories, and resources. NASA’s investment in space – both the unique Earth science we conduct from orbit and the technology we’ve…

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  • As the world observes the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22, NASA is highlighting the agency’s many contributions to sustaining and improving our home planet’s environment with a week of online events, stories, and resources.
  • NASA’s investment in space – both the unique Earth science we conduct from orbit and the technology we’ve….
  • La subscripció és GRATUÏTA.


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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