Per què ara els preus dels hotels a Hawaii són més cars?

Hotels a Hawaii: els ingressos i les tarifes diàries augmenten "lleugerament" el 2019

The cost for a hotel in Waikiki, Maui or Kauai has been going up. The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA)Research Division issued the report’s findings utilizing data compiled by STR, Inc., which conducts the largest and most comprehensive survey of hotel properties in the Hawaiian Islands. The trend for Hotel room costs in Hawaii is on…

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  • The trend for Hotel room costs in Hawaii is on….
  • The cost for a hotel in Waikiki, Maui or Kauai has been going up.
  • The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA)Research Division issued the report's findings utilizing data compiled by STR, Inc.


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Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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