L'helicòpter d'atac rus destrueix les grades VIP a la desfilada militar indonèsia

L'helicòpter rus destrueix les grades VIP a la desfilada militar indonèsia

rus Mi-35 attack helicopter was taking part in a military parade held in Indonèsia, when the pilot flew too low above the ground and demolished holiday banners. The tribune on which Indonesian top military officials sat was also destroyed.

Apparently no one on the ground was injured in the accident.

The event was dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the creation of the Indonesian army.

The maximum speed of the Mi-35 attack helicopter is 310 kilometers per hour (192 m/h).


  • The event was dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the creation of the Indonesian army.
  • Russian Mi-35 attack helicopter was taking part in a military parade held in Indonesia, when the pilot flew too low above the ground and demolished holiday banners.
  • Apparently no one on the ground was injured in the accident.


Sobre l'autor

Editor de tasques en cap

L'editor en cap de les tasques és Oleg Siziakov

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