Els viatgers accepten la missatgeria mòbil i els pagaments

Clickatell va revelar els resultats del seu darrer informe de tendències del comerç de xat: edició de viatges, que descobreix noves idees sobre com els consumidors actuals volen comunicar-se i fer compres amb hotels, companyies aèries i companyies de lloguer de cotxes en converses de missatgeria mòbil. L'enquesta, que va recollir les respostes de més de 1,000 participants nord-americans, va trobar que el 87% dels consumidors prefereixen utilitzar la missatgeria mòbil per comunicar-se amb les empreses de viatges.

To deeply understand how consumers communicate with travel brands, Clickatell’s new research found widespread demand for personal and convenient customer experiences through messaging conversations, such as 92% of participants would like to use mobile messaging to interact with hotels, 89% would like to use mobile messaging to interact with airlines, and 85% would like to use mobile messaging to interact with rental car companies. Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X also all place mobile messaging as their top method of communication with travel brands, showcasing that younger generations are the most inclined to interact with brands via mobile.

L'informe també destaca que les empreses de viatges s'estan perdent una aplicació única de l'experiència de missatgeria mòbil: els pagaments. De fet, el 73% dels consumidors van indicar que mai no han fet cap compra mitjançant un enllaç de pagament per SMS. No obstant això, amb el 77% dels consumidors que diuen que estan disposats a utilitzar un enllaç de pagament mòbil amb marques de viatges, hi ha una gran oportunitat perquè les companyies aèries, hotels i companyies de lloguer de cotxes millorin l'experiència de viatge i permetin als consumidors navegar, comprar i fer un seguiment dels seus plans de viatge tots als seus telèfons mòbils. El 81% dels consumidors probablement faria una compra a través d'un enllaç de pagament amb qualsevol tipus d'empresa de viatges, i les reserves d'hotel encapçalen la llista (58%).

Les conclusions clau addicionals inclouen:

•             Airlines:

o             48% want mobile communications from travel companies at the time of booking, and 63% said within 24 hours.

o             Consumers would most like to receive a message on the day of their trip with important information, with 60% of consumers wanting to receive a notification of any last-minute changes to their flight itinerary.

o             48% of consumers would like to book a flight reservation with an airline via mobile messaging

•             Hotels:

o             Consumers would prefer to use mobile messaging with hotels (92%) vs. airlines (89%).

o             For hotels, receiving a mobile message that your room is ready and requesting early or late check-in is the highest preference among consumers (58% want a notification that their room is ready and 41% want to be notified to upgrade their room).

o             Hotel reservations and room upgrades are the highest preference for using a chat payment link – 58% would like to book a reservation, 47% want to upgrade their room.

•             Rental cars:

o             54% of consumers would like to receive a message on the day of their trip with important car rental information, and 50% of consumers want to receive a notification of any last-minute changes.

•             Payments:

o             71% of consumers indicated that they are more willing to make a purchase with a travel company through a payment link only after chatting with a live agent or automated bot.

•             General travel:

o             27% prefer mobile messaging to communicate with a travel company (the highest of any category), while only 8% prefer to communicate with a travel company on website chat.

o             48% of consumers would expect mobile messages to begin at the time of booking, 63% would expect mobile messages to begin 24 hours before their trip.

o             80% of consumers say it is more convenient to use a travel desk via mobile messaging compared to other channels.

o             iPhone users are more compelled to use mobile messaging with travel companies compared to Android users.

“By enabling communications and purchases for their customers in chat, Clickatell has opened the doors to convenience and personalization across travel brands,” said Pieter de Villiers, CEO and co-founder of Clickatell. “The data shows that there is an opportunity for travel brands to deliver services to their customers easily and conveniently via mobile messaging, which consumers desire and demand. Perhaps now more than ever, consumer loyalty is up for grabs and travel brands need to capitalize on every touchpoint.”


Sobre l'autor

Linda Hohnholz

Editor en cap per eTurboNews amb seu a la seu d'eTN.

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