Sundance Mountain Resort anuncia una data d'obertura anticipada per a la temporada 2022-2023

Sundance Mountain Resort celebra la històrica nevada de principis de temporada anunciant una data d'obertura anticipada el dissabte 3 de desembre, la més aviat que el complex ha obert en més d'una dècada.

Cold temperatures and weather conditions have created an ideal environment for snowmaking, paired with natural snowfall in November have created the notable opportunity to open the resort early. 

“We are so grateful Mother Nature provided us with early snow and cold temperatures. Thanks to the incredible work of our snowmaking and mountain operations teams, and new snowmaking system, we have an impressive base of snow. We are thrilled to open early and are excited for what will be an epic winter season!” – Chad Linebaugh, President and General Manager.

The resort will open at 9am on December 3rd on Outlaw Express from the midway station while snowmaking operations continue on the upper Outlaw Express terrain. Jake’s Lift and the beginner area including all magic carpets will also be open. Night skiing will begin December 17th. The new Wildwood area and back mountain will open as quickly as snowmaking and natural snowfall conditions allow. Daily conditions and lift status will be updated on


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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson ha estat l’editor de tasques de eTurboNews durant més de 20 anys. Viu a Honolulu, Hawaii, i és originari d'Europa. Li agrada escriure i cobrir les notícies.

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