Visiteu Maldives amb el lloc web Ajuda de la vacunació

The Maldives reopened its borders for tourists of all nationalities on July 15, 2020, with rigorous procedures in place to ensure the safety of tourists and tourism. Tourists are required to fill an online health declaration form within 24 hours prior to their departure, as well as have a negative PCR test result, conducted 96 hours prior to their departure.

Visit Maldives asks industry partners to provide their vaccination updates, press releases, images, videos, and other information to [protegit per correu electrònic] to ensure all industry news regarding the vaccination campaign is covered on the microsite.

The “I’m Vaccinated” website can be accessed at:



Sobre l'autor

Linda Hohnholz, editora eTN

Linda Hohnholz ha estat escrivint i editant articles des del començament de la seva carrera professional. Ha aplicat aquesta passió innata a llocs com la Hawaii Pacific University, la Chaminade University, el Hawaii Children's Discovery Center i ara TravelNewsGroup.

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